Flux Weather Application Software Download Free Android
Application software download free Android
A newcomer to the stiff competition for weather apps, Flux makes a great impression. Its simple interface shows the daily forecast, as well as radar and summary panels for your location. It also has several different themes to choose from, so you can match it to your phone's light or dark mode.
The weather refers to the current state of Earth's atmosphere, including temperature, air pressure, wind, and humidity. Scientists collect data about these factors at weather stations, then combine it with images from satellites that show cloud movement. This information creates a starting point for predicting how the weather will change over time.
Wind is a major factor in weather. It blows from different directions at different times, and can have very high speeds. The fast winds in the upper atmosphere are called jet streams, and help push weather systems around the globe. Wind can also be influenced by human activity. For example, Chicago, Illinois, is known as the "Windy City" because of its grid system, which created wind tunnels that picked up speed and strength.
Weather influences many aspects of life on Earth, from food production to personal comfort. Extreme temperatures and humidity can cause discomfort or disease; heavy rains can flood homes and interrupt transportation; and wind, snow, and ice can damage crops and buildings. In addition, hurricanes and typhoons can cause widespread destruction.
The word weather comes from the Latin verb wter, meaning "to be wet." The conditions in a region over a long period of time are called its climate. For example, some parts of the world have hot and humid tropical climates, while others have dry desertlike climates.